Magical, Ad-Free Stories
You Can Trust

Magical, Ad-Free Stories You Can Trust

Gentle audio stories children love, hand-picked by caring parents like you

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Listen to nourishing stories with no video, ads or overstimulating visuals

Never Run Out of Stories

450+ stories and we add new stories every Sunday

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Quickly Download Stories for Car Trips, Camping and Plane Rides

The Vision and

Values Behind


We believe in order to raise thriving, creative and resilient children, we must be selective about they take in.

At StoryNest we take on the role of gatekeeper for you. We pre-listen to every story and song to ensure they are not only safe but also beneficial to their development.

One Less Thing to Worry About

" I adore this app for my preschoolers! I can see us using it for many years. It allows us to quickly find stories appropriate for my kids ages. One less thing to worry about as a parent knowing nothing inappropriate will play. "


Mother of preschoolers

Awesome Resource

" My children LOVE StoryNest, we use it every single day. The stories are carefully curated, and it's an awesome resource for those of us looking to parent more consciously. "


Mother of two

Worth Every Penny

" We love this app! Gets the kids off the screens. Great for long car rides, bedtime, plane rides, etc. I’m happy to pay for this app. No advertising here, no annoying interruptions, nothing scary! It’s great! "



How Do We

Choose Our Stories?

Age appropriate Lessons

The content of our stories match your child's developmental stage

Meaningful Values

Stories are filled with positive values like compassion, honesty, hope, kindness, humility, and joy

Safe for sensitive children

Gentle stories full of wonder, beauty, inspiration, and sound scapes that engage young listeners


What's included with my paid subscription?

Can I cancel anytime?

Can I download stories and songs to listen offline?

Can StoryNest be used on my computer?

Who creates the stories?

Will my kids run out of stories?

Can I use StoryNest without handing my child a phone?

Start Listening to Stories Now

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( username for the website and mobile app)


(for the website and mobile app)

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Instantly access free stories from each of our acclaimed Storytellers, receive StoryNest colouring pages, and stay connected!

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